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Materiais - Folhetos

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The Baptism in the Name of Jesus
Código: 58

por R$ 1,35

Ninety-nine percent of religions today baptize in "the name of Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." But few know that this baptism is Catholic, and the Catholic Church recognizes as fellow Christians all who baptized in her formula! See this material the texts of the Catholic Catechism proving it, and find out when baptism was changed, for the Bible speaks only the baptism in name of the Lord Jesus.


Este material é para se trabalhar com as pessoas, ou com os países da fala inglesa. Alguns países na África o solicitaram, e estamos disponibilizando aos irmãos que desejam evangelizar irmãos que falam o inglês somente.


As 10 Grandes Verdades de 1888

por R$ 2,50