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The Great Controversy of the Seventh Commandment.
Código: 98


“If there is any subject that should be considered with calm reflection and dispassionate judgment, it is the subject of marriage. If there is ever a time when the Bible is needed as a counselor, it is before taking a step that binds people together for life.” (The Adventist Home, page 70)


There is currently a doctrinal divergence among Christians regarding the scriptural norm regarding the dissolution of marital union. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke record four statements by Jesus concerning adultery, divorce, and remarriage. The majority Protestant view is that the wording of the book of Matthew allows for an interpretation that favors the breaking of the marital bond on the grounds of divorce for adultery by providing an exception to the general rule of civil marriage.


This 82-page booklet was prepared by Brother Dênisson Moura, of the Historic Adventist group of Maceió, Brasil. This material is based on the Bible and on texts from the E.G.W., for those who believe in Ellen White as the prophet of the Lord. Brother Denisson also made another booklet based exclusively on the Bible, for access by those of other religions. The name of this other one is: 'The Law of Marriage', also available for Download on our Website.

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Version of 09-10-2024.


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